
时间:2023-05-10 21:52 来源:大河网

The 7thGlobal Cross-border E-commerce Conference kicks off in Zhengzhou



The 7thGlobal Cross-border E-commerce Conference (GCBEC) with the theme of "Buy Globally and Sell Globally" kicked off in Zhengzhou city of Central China"s Henan province on May 10.


The 7th GCBEC. [Photo/dahe.cn]

Representatives from the World Trade Organization, the World Customs Organization and well-known enterprises at home and abroad are invited to participate in the conference to seek consensus, enhance cooperation and map out the future of the global cross-border e-commerce industry, which is bound to add new energy into the high-quality development of the industry.


The 7th GCBEC. [Photo/dahe.cn]

Since its first launch in 2017, the GCBEC has attracted nearly 10 thousand participants from all over the world and become an important platform to enhance the influence of the "Online Silk Road" in Henan.

据悉,自2017年首届启幕以来,全球跨境电商大会已走过6个年头,吸引来自全球各地的近万人参会,成为提升河南“网上丝绸之路”影响力的重要开放品牌。(中文来源/大河网 编译/杨佳欣 审校/焦丹)

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